30 Days of Devotion: Loki Day 6 & 7

May be an image of text that says 'Thirty Days Devotion to Loki Day SIX Related deíties and entíties associated with Loki. Rkm Image Rackham'

I’m sooooo behind omg. I’m so sorry Loki. Things have been hectic (as always). I talked about his relatives and spouses in the previous post, so I just wanted to talk about a connection with the Spider, since I’ve been getting spiders these days.

Spider gods are tricksters in different pantheons. The ones I was aware of are the African Anansi/Ananse, the Lakota trickster Ik’tomi, and the Hopi Grandmother Spider (Gogyeng Sowuhti). I consider these distant cousins, and it’s just my UPG but Loki doesn’t seem fazed by the Spider’s sudden interest in me and my house (trying to get rid of my arachnophobia).

David M. Buisán


Weaving is a meaningful activity linked with both stories and fate. It was also a gendered activity within Norse culture (see Frigg’s weaving and spindle). So of course, these associations make sense with Loki, as both a cunning spinner of tales and as a gender rebel.

Spider is also a Promethean being, with Grandmother Spider being the one introducing fire to the world (hello, association with Loki and fire in SPG). Spider is also tricky, they abides and waits for prey to fall into their web. Spider can be seductive (see Mr. Nancy in American Gods) and deadly. But ultimately, spider is a protective spirit with a bad rep, just like Loki is.

Honoring the Goddess: Grandmother Spider - Earth Magick

May be an image of text that says 'Thirty Days Devotion to Loki Day Seven Names and Epíthets of Loki :ARkm Arthur'

I adore you, Mr. I’ll stab you in the chest and in your back to help you get out of that body that doesn’t suit you anymore.

I adore you, “Don’t forget the Cinnamon Toast Crunch!”

I adore you, Mx. Hot Stuff.

I adore you, Spiderling Pappa.

I adore you, Wolf Father.

I adore you, Mother of Witches.

I adore you, Primordial Fire.

I adore you Loki, Lodur, Loptr. Forever and always.

Published by Rowan

Recovering scholar. Trans-parent. Lokean, eclectic witch & maker.

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